
▾ Recruitment rules (OTM-R)
The Biology Centre CAS has committed to respect The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and holds prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award (HR Award). Recruitment of researchers fulfils the principles of the Open, transparent, merit-based recruitment of researchers (OTM-R), which ensures unified course of selection procedure at all scientific institutes of the Biology Centre.

Fundamental principles of the OTM-R are openness, transparency and non-discrimination. Candidate requirements differ according to the nature of workload and are always specified in relevant job offer. Job offers are posted on this website and on other specialized portals. Selection procedures for research positions at the Biology Centre consist of two rounds (1st round: applications and subsequent shortlisting of candidates for the second round, 2nd round: interviews). For every selection procedure a selection committee of three members minimum is established, includes HR Department representative and is gender balanced. All candidates are informed on result of the selection procedure and every selection procedure complies with the effective EU regulation on the personal data protection.

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Posted: 14. 10. 2024

Senior researcher in Molecular Parasitology 2024

Institute of Parasitology

Molecular Parasitology

Laboratory of RNA Biology of Protists

Employment contract





0,2 FTE

1. 11. 2024

28. 10. 2024

Job description:

Dr. Zdeněk Paris, the head of Laboratory of RNA Biology of Protists, is looking for a senior researcher to join his lab. The position is funded by the OP JAC project RNA for therapy.

Our group studies various aspects of RNA biology of protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei and related flagellates. In these early evolved unicellular organisms gene expression is regulated mostly post-transcriptionally. Consequently, post-transcriptional processing of RNA is of a great importance in order to regulate the complex life cycles of these pathogens. Research in our group focuses on processes such as tRNA maturation, nuclear export/import and tRNA modifications in trypanosomes, but also stop codon reassignment. Our long-term goal is the identification of unique RNA metabolism. We believe these novel mechanisms can result in applications in RNA therapies for human genetic diseases caused by the occurrence of premature termination codons. 



Molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics or similar

  • More than 8 years since PhD award 
  • Strong interest in basic research and experimental work 
  • Hands on experience in molecular biology laboratory techniques
  • Independent and critical thinking 
  • English at B2 level, written and spoken
  • Bioinformatic skills 

Key responsibilities:

  • Bioinformatic analysis of RNAseq and proteomic data

What we offer:

  • You will join international research team to work on an exciting research project (follow up on our recent discovery; Kachale et al., Nature, 2023)
  • International and supportive environment
  • Research stays in our collaborating laboratories in the EU or USA
  • Start Date: 1.11.2024 (to be negotiated)


  • 5 weeks of paid holiday yearly (for 1 FTE)
  • Working in a stable, prestigious research institution of international importance
  • Welcome service and further support for foreigners (HR Award)English speaking, friendly & stimulating international working environment
  • Work-life balance in a middle-sized university city offering options for outdoor, sport & cultural activities
  • Free language classes (Czech for foreigners, English for Czechs)
  • Opportunity to take part in mentoring programs as a mentor or a mentee
  • Concessionary services at the contractual operator and bank
  • Campus-based daycare for employees‘ children from the age of 1 year

Additional information:

The Biology Centre is located in České Budějovice (2 hours south of the capital Prague), a middle-sized city with ca. 100K inhabitants, relaxed atmosphere, over 750 years of tradition and a breathtaking countryside around. Both the town and the surrounding countryside provide numerous opportunities for research and leisure activities. There is also a growing international expert community at the Biology Centre CAS (BC CAS) and the University of South Bohemia (USB). In addition, the living costs are still low by international standards. Check out our Guide for Expats (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/employees) to read about life in the city and the Czech Republic.

The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences holds the HR Award. Our selection process meets European standards for recruitment of researchers (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/employees/candidates/otm-r/) and we provide our employees from abroad with welcome service (visa application, administration, relocation & settlement support). Gender equality plan (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/about-us/gender-equality) has been accepted in 2022.

How to apply:

Interested candidates should apply by submitting the following documents via the REPLY button below by October 28, 2024:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • List of 1-2 referees that can testify about the professional qualities of the candidate
  • Letter of intent that explains the reasons for your interest in our laboratory and identifies your most relevant skills or experiences. 
  • Please note Senior position 2024 in subject line of email

For further information contact Dr. Zdenek Paris at parda@paru.cas.cz.

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