
▾ Recruitment rules (OTM-R)
The Biology Centre CAS has committed to respect The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and holds prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award (HR Award). Recruitment of researchers fulfils the principles of the Open, transparent, merit-based recruitment of researchers (OTM-R), which ensures unified course of selection procedure at all scientific institutes of the Biology Centre.

Fundamental principles of the OTM-R are openness, transparency and non-discrimination. Candidate requirements differ according to the nature of workload and are always specified in relevant job offer. Job offers are posted on this website and on other specialized portals. Selection procedures for research positions at the Biology Centre consist of two rounds (1st round: applications and subsequent shortlisting of candidates for the second round, 2nd round: interviews). For every selection procedure a selection committee of three members minimum is established, includes HR Department representative and is gender balanced. All candidates are informed on result of the selection procedure and every selection procedure complies with the effective EU regulation on the personal data protection.

More about HRS4R and HR Award
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Posted: 9. 2. 2024

PhD in Plant Cell Morphogenesis

Institute of Plant Molecular Biology

Employment contract





30. 4. 2024

17. 3. 2024

Job description:

Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (https://www.umbr.cas.cz/en/), Biology Centre CAS, Czechia, is looking for a PhD in plant cell morphogenesis.

Have you ever wondered why a root hair takes on the characteristic shape of a slender filament, rather than a simple sphere? How does the tip of a root hair maintain its delicate structure over time? For decades, scientists have speculated about a potential connection between calcium signaling and the activity of small GTPases—specifically, the Rho of Plants proteins—known to play a critical role in maintaining root hair polarity. Despite numerous efforts, this link has remained elusive, leaving much to be understood. Thanks to our pioneering molecular methods, exclusive to our laboratory and unavailable anywhere else in the world, we have begun to unravel this enigma. We have taken the crucial initial steps towards elucidating the intricate relationship between intracellular Ca2+ and Rho GTPases, shedding light on a fundamental aspect of root hair development.
Your Role:
As a member of our dynamic research team, your mission will be to delve deep into the molecular machinery governing the Ca2+ Rop feedback mechanism. You will have the opportunity to utilize our cutting-edge techniques to uncover the precise molecular interactions underlying this vital signaling pathway. Additionally, you will play a pivotal role in characterizing novel proteins identified within our laboratory that are essential for orchestrating this intricate signaling cascade. Through your dedicated efforts, you will contribute to advancing our understanding of root hair morphogenesis and paving the way for future breakthroughs in plant biology.

Join us in unraveling the mysteries of root hair formation and shaping the future of life sciences research!


Master's degree

Competitive candidates
• display competitive CV and track record;
• display independent thinking, and a passion for science;
• display an excellent knowledge of spoken and written English;
• have their own original/innovative research ideas;
• formulate goals of their research internship;
• are able to work independently, to plan independently experiments and to organise all their laboratory and office work;
• are able to learn and master the basic methods, tools, approaches, and laboratory devices connected to the project;
• are able to keep a laboratory journal, to share all generated data with the advisor, and to archive all data on a shared disk;
• are able to collect data, to analyse data, to interpret data, and to present data;
• are open to apply for fellowships and grants;
• are able to present research results at seminars and conferences;
• are able to write manuscripts including methods, results, conclusions, figures, and tables;
• are able to discuss the research topic in a broader perspective and context;


• 5 weeks of paid holiday yearly (for 1 FTE)
• Subsidized lunches in our own canteen
• Standard health insurance and social security
• Benefits from Social fund and student benefits
• Working in a stable, prestigious research institution of international importance
• Welcome service and further support for foreigners (HR Award)
• English speaking, friendly & stimulating international working environment
• Work-life balance in a middle-sized university city offering options for outdoor, sport & cultural activities
• Free language classes (Czech for foreigners, English for Czechs)
• Opportunity to take part in mentoring programmes as a mentor or a mentee
• Opportunity for lifelong learning and professional growth
• Concessionary services at the contractual operator and bank
• Access to accommodation in dormitories at the campus shared by the BC and the USB
• Campus-based daycare for employees‘ children from the age of 1 year

Additional information:

We offer part time position on the top of the PhD fellowship for the duration of PhD (max 4 years). Starting date 30 April 2024 (fixed, university deadline for PhD application).

The Biology Centre is located in České Budějovice (2 hours south of the capital Prague), a middle-sized city with ca. 100K inhabitants, relaxed atmosphere, over 750 years of tradition and a breathtaking countryside around. Both the town and the surrounding countryside provide numerous opportunities for research and leisure activities. There is also a growing international expert community at the Biology Centre CAS (BC CAS) and the University of South Bohemia (USB). In addition, the living costs are still low by international standards. Check out our Guide for Expats (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/employees) to read about life in the city and the Czech Republic.

The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences holds the HR Award. Our selection process meets European standards for recruitment of researchers (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/employees/candidates/otm-r/) and we provide our employees from abroad with welcome service (visa application, administration, relocation & settlement support). Gender equality plan (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/about-us/gender-equality) has been accepted in 2022.

How to apply:

Please submit your (1) motivation letter (max 1 page), (2) structured CV including contacts of two referees (max 4 pages), and (3) MSc diploma via the REPLY button below by 17 March 2024 23:59 CET.
All documents in the application should be in English. Interviews with selected applicants will be held after the application deadline.

Informal inquiries can be directed via email to ivan.kulich@umbr.cas.cz.

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