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Zveřejněno: 11. 3. 2022

PhD Position in Evolutionary Genomics of Atlantic Forest Butterflies

Entomologický ústav

Oddělení ekologie

Laboratoř molekulární ekologie a fylogenetiky

Pracovní smlouva



Doba určitá


Popis pracovní pozice:

You will be part of an exciting research project studying species diversification and distributional patterns of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The goal of the PhD position is to infer macroevolutionary drivers of extant ecological patterns along altitude and latitude, and to test competing hypotheses for understanding parapatric speciation on tropical mountain ranges. You will generate new data using whole-genome resequencing to infer species-level phylogenies and to compute metrics of genomic regions of divergence between parapatric, sister species. It is expected that this framework will allow you to test the roles of abiotic factors (temperature, altitudinal gradients) in shaping the extant species and genetic diversity of butterflies in a tropical biodiversity hotspot.

Priority will be given to candidates who have co-authored at least one scientific publication (including submitted and accepted manuscripts). Experience with molecular phylogenetics, population genetics and/or analysis of high-throughput DNA sequencing data using bioinformatic pipelines is advantageous.
The results will be part of a larger multidisciplinary research aiming at determining the evolutionary mechanisms that shaped current Lepidoptera biodiversity patterns (centers of endemism and species richness) in the Atlantic Forest. This is a bilateral research project that brings together two teams in the Czech Republic (Biology Centre, CAS) and Brazil (University of Campinas). You will have the opportunity to carry out fieldwork in Brazil and to closely interact with Prof. André Freitas, Dr. Karina Silva-Brandão, and their research groups. As part of the international research activities, multiple avenues for networking will also be possible (for example, Prof. Niklas Wahlberg, Lund University, Sweden).




• Do you have a Master’s degree in biology or related fields (must be awarded prior to the starting date)?
• Do you have good communication skills in English, written and spoken?
• Are you independent in learning and working, with documented productivity?


• 1 extra week of holiday, i.e. 5 weeks of paid holiday per year in total
• Subsidized lunches in our canteen
• Benefits from Social fund
• Full health insurance
• Student benefits
• Working in a stable, prestigious research institution of international importance
• Friendly international working environment
• Support of leisure time activities
• Free language classes – Czech for foreigners, English for Czechs (the capacity is limited)
• Opportunity to take part in mentoring programmes as a mentor or a mentee
• Concessionary mobile tariff at the contractual operator
• Concessionary banking services at the contractual bank

Doplňující informace:

About the position:
It is expected that you will enroll into the associated PhD program (4 years) at the Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia. The scholarship will be a combination of research grant salary (50% from the Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences), plus student stipends (50% from the University of South Bohemia), fully covering living expenses with a comfortable margin in the Czech Republic. The research facility is in Ceske Budejovice, a charming historical city in the south of the country, within an easy reach of Prague and Vienna. Check out our Guide for Expats to read about life in the city and the Czech Republic. Our working environment (Department of Ecology, led by Prof. Vojtěch Novotný), is highly diverse and international (16 nationalities from 4 different continents).

Selection procedure:
The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences holds the HR Excellence in Research Award. Our selection process is transparent, open, non-discriminating, and fair. For more information about the researchers' recruitment policy at our institution, see OTM-R.
This announcement is open until the right candidate is found. The top ranked candidates will be selected for an interview in English (by phone/skype). The start date is upon agreement, but the successful applicant is expected to start during summer (northern hemisphere) 2022. If you have any queries, you may contact Dr. Pável Matos-Maraví via email (pavel.matos@entu.cas.cz).

Jak se přihlásit:

Send us the following documents in a single PDF file and in English via the "REPLY" button below:
• Cover letter, stating your motivation, how your background and skills fit the project, and your potential plans for this position (max. 2 pages),
• CV, including contact details of at least two referees that are familiar with your work.

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