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Zveřejněno: 21. 12. 2021

PhD position in Forest Ecology

Entomologický ústav

Oddělení biodiversity a ochrany přírody

Laboratoř ekologie lesa

Pracovní smlouva



Doba určitá


15. 1. 2022

Popis pracovní pozice:

Forests store vast amounts of carbon, provide important ecosystem services, and support most of the terrestrial biodiversity. Around one quarter of all forest species depend on dead wood. Several factors determine local biodiversity, incl. environmental gradients, available energy, and biotic interactions. Particularly the sequential arrival of species, i.e. priority effects, to a dead resource can have a major influence on biodiversity. However, our knowledge about the complex interplay of environmental drivers and priority effects is limited. In this project we aim to close this gap of knowledge. Therefore, we seek two highly motivated PhD candidates with experience in insect and/or fungal ecology and the collection and analysis of quantitative data, who will be responsible for: • the maintenance and administration of the experimental set-ups • (a) gathering and processing the saproxylic beetles’ samples collected by sticky traps and rearing OR (b) conduct the laboratory part of the work ensuring the molecular identification of fungal communities and sampling and processing the volatiles extracted from deadwood substrate • the analyses and publication of the obtained data in international peer-reviewed journals The successful applicants will join the Laboratory of Woodland Ecology at the Biology Centre CAS, Czech Republic, where the project is led by Dr. Simon Thorn. The position permits and supports a scientific qualification through the preparation of a doctoral thesis within the framework of the project at the University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science in close collaboration to our German project partners.



Ecological sciences, Forest sciences, Conservation biology or a related field

• Have you obtained master’s degree or equivalent in ecological sciences, forest sciences, conservation biology or a related field? • Are you able to work responsibly and independently? • Can you analyse ecological data in R? • Do you have good knowledge of spoken and written English? • Do you hold class B driving license?


• 1 extra week of holiday, i.e. 5 weeks of paid holiday per year in total • Subsidized lunches in our canteen • Benefits from Social fund • Full health insurance • Student benefits • Working in a stable, prestigious research institution of international importance • Friendly international working environment • Support of leisure time activities • Free language classes – Czech for foreigners, English for Czechs (the capacity is limited) • Opportunity to take part in mentoring programmes as a mentor or a mentee • Concessionary mobile tariff at the contractual operator • Concessionary banking services at the contractual bank

Doplňující informace:

ABOUT THE POSITION The earliest starting date for the position is February 2022, whereas the exact starting date might be negotiated. The successful applicants will receive a minimum of a 50% position at the Biology Centre with monthly salary ca 500EUR pre-tax (~12,500CZK). All PhD students are further supported by an additional scholarship (ca 500EUR). Note that living costs in the Czech Republic are substantially lower than in many other EU countries (e.g. here). The position is funded by the Czech Science Foundation until December 31, 2024. PLACE AND BACKGROUND History wherever you turn and excellent beer. That is Ceske Budejovice (2 hours away from Prague). A city with over 750 years of tradition, the breathtaking countryside around, and a growing international expert community at the Biology Centre CAS and the University of South Bohemia. Check out our Guide for Expats to read about life in the city and the Czech Republic. SELECTION PROCEDURE The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences holds the HR Excellence in Research Award. Our selection process is transparent, open, non-discriminating, and fair. For more information about the researchers' recruitment policy at our institution, see OTM-R. ARE YOU INTERESTED? To apply for this position, please send your application including a motivation letter and CV via the "REPLY" button below. Please, feel free to ask any additional questions about the project. If so, e-mail to Dr Lukas Drag (drag@entu.cas.cz).

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