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Biologické centrum AV ČR, v. v. i. se zavázalo k dodržování Evropské charty výzkumných pracovníků a Kodexu chování pro přijímání výzkumných pracovníků a je držitelem prestižního ocenění HR Excellence in Research (HR Award). Při náboru vědeckých pracovníků dodržuje zásady otevřeného, transparentního výběrového řízení (OTM-R), což zajišťuje unifikovaný postup výběrového řízení na všech vědeckých ústavech Biologického centra.

Základními principy OTM-R jsou otevřenost, transparentnost a nediskriminace. Požadavky na uchazeče se liší v závislosti na povaze pracovní náplně a jsou vždy specifikovány v relevantním inzerátu s pracovní nabídkou. Inzeráty jsou zveřejňovány na těchto stránkách a na dalších specializovaných portálech. Výběrová řízení na vědecké pozice v Biologickém centru jsou dvoukolová (1. kolo: přihlášky a následný výběr vhodných kandidátů do 2. kola, 2. kolo: pohovory). Pro každé výběrové řízení je ustavena výběrová komise, která je minimálně tříčlenná, zahrnuje zástupce Personálního úseku a je genderově vyvážená. Všichni uchazeči jsou informováni o výsledku výběrového řízení a každé výběrové řízení se řídí platným nařízením EU o ochraně osobních údajů.

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Zveřejněno: 20. 4. 2022

Two PhDs in Community Ecology & Population Genetics

Entomologický ústav

Oddělení ekologie

Laboratoř experimentální ekologie

Pracovní smlouva



Doba určitá


16. 5. 2022

Popis pracovní pozice:

We invite prospective candidates for two four-year fully-funded PhD Studentships to explore exciting questions on the interface of community ecology and population genetics. How do species coexist in diverse communities? And how is genetic variation maintained within populations? These processes are typically studied separately, but likely interact to structure diversity in ecological communities. For example, rapid evolution is likely to have a key role in determining species coexistence.

To address these questions, our collaborative project uses a novel experimental community model system of wild Drosophila species and their parasitoids from tropical Australia. We are able to perform multigenerational laboratory microcosm experiments and track eco-evolutionary dynamics in fine detail. We are offering two positions – one more focused on community ecology and the other on population genetics. The candidates will use a combination of some of the following approaches: laboratory experiments on maintenance of species diversity in communities and maintenance of genetic variation, experimental evolution, genome-wide association studies, eco-evolutionary modelling, population genomics using whole genome data, and field surveys of Drosophila - parasitoid food webs in Australian tropical rainforest. The specific PhD chapter projects will result from a discussion between the candidate and the supervisor.

Together with each PhD student we will choose a co-supervisor from current international collaborators (listed at the bottom of [http://lab.hrcek.net/people.html] page) or start new collaborations. The position will include a research stay abroad.



Ecology (environmental sciences)

A MSc degree is required to enter PhD in Czech Republic. Following experience is an advantage:

  • Research experience with laboratory experiments, insect ecology or molecular ecology
  • Experience in eco-evolutionary dynamics or population genetic modelling
  • Experience with population genetics
  • Driving licence and fieldwork experience


• 1 extra week of holiday, i.e. 5 weeks of paid holiday per year in total
• Subsidized lunches in our own canteen
• Benefits from Social fund
• Student benefits
• Working in a stable, prestigious research institution of international importance
• Friendly international working environment
• Support of leisure time activities
• Free language classes – Czech for foreigners, English for Czechs (the capacity is limited)
• Opportunity to take part in mentoring programmes as a mentor or a mentee
• Concessionary mobile tariff at the contractual operator
• Concessionary banking services at the contractual bank

Doplňující informace:


The successful applicant will join the Laboratory of Experimental Ecology [ http://lab.hrcek.net ] at the Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, under the supervision of Dr Jan Hrcek. The laboratory is a multinational team of postdocs, PhD students and technicians and the applicant will have the opportunity to work extensively with other team members. The laboratory obtained prestigious high-level funding for five years (ERC-CZ grant) and therefore can provide substantial resources and support for exceptional research. The laboratory is part of the Department of Ecology of the Institute of Entomology CAS, a dynamic international centre for research on interaction networks.

History wherever you turn and excellent beer. That is Ceske Budejovice (2 hours away from Prague). A city with over 750 years of tradition, the breathtaking countryside around, and a growing international expert community at the Biology Centre CAS and the University of South Bohemia. The students will receive a salary which comfortably covers living expenses in the Czech Republic. Check out our Guide for Expats to read about life in the city and the Czech Republic.



The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences holds the HR Excellence in Research Award. Our selection process is transparent, open, non-discriminating, and fair. For more information about the researchers' recruitment policy at our institution, see OTM-R.

The deadline for applications is 6th May 2022. The positions can start from August 2022 onwards. The working language is English and applicants from all countries are eligible. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr Jan Hrcek [ janhrcek@gmail.com ].

Jak se přihlásit:

To apply please send one document comprising a CV, contact details for two references, and a motivation letter via the REPLY button below.

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