
▾ Pravidla výběrového řízení (OTM-R)
Biologické centrum AV ČR, v. v. i. se zavázalo k dodržování Evropské charty výzkumných pracovníků a Kodexu chování pro přijímání výzkumných pracovníků a je držitelem prestižního ocenění HR Excellence in Research (HR Award). Při náboru vědeckých pracovníků dodržuje zásady otevřeného, transparentního výběrového řízení (OTM-R), což zajišťuje unifikovaný postup výběrového řízení na všech vědeckých ústavech Biologického centra.

Základními principy OTM-R jsou otevřenost, transparentnost a nediskriminace. Požadavky na uchazeče se liší v závislosti na povaze pracovní náplně a jsou vždy specifikovány v relevantním inzerátu s pracovní nabídkou. Inzeráty jsou zveřejňovány na těchto stránkách a na dalších specializovaných portálech. Výběrová řízení na vědecké pozice v Biologickém centru jsou dvoukolová (1. kolo: přihlášky a následný výběr vhodných kandidátů do 2. kola, 2. kolo: pohovory). Pro každé výběrové řízení je ustavena výběrová komise, která je minimálně tříčlenná, zahrnuje zástupce Personálního úseku a je genderově vyvážená. Všichni uchazeči jsou informováni o výsledku výběrového řízení a každé výběrové řízení se řídí platným nařízením EU o ochraně osobních údajů.

Více o HRS4R a HR Award
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Zveřejněno: 26. 9. 2024

PhD in Plant Molecular Biology

Ústav molekulární biologie rostlin

Terestrializace rostlin

Pracovní smlouva



Doba určitá

0.5 FTE+PhD stipend



1. 2. 2025

15. 11. 2024

Popis pracovní pozice:

You will be working in a newly established research group, led by Lenka Caisova. Our group focuses on plant terrestrialization and evolution of multicellularity. We study and compare aquatic algae and land plants using a wide range of experimental techniques to better understand the processes by which plants came from water to land and became multicellular.

The focus of the PhD position is on the evolution of multicellularity in algae. Evolution of multicellularity by plants is the major evolutionary question in biology. So far, multicellularity in the green lineage is solely studied in land plants. The project will build on the multicellular alga Draparnaldia, which is being established as a new model system in our group (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.09.12.612648v1). 

Draparnaldia has branching and rooting structures and morphologically resembles basal land plants. Also, its genome has genes associated with multicellularity. Thus, the aim of this project is to study an alternative way of the origin of multicellularity in green plants. As an experimental PhD student, you will generate data sets for genomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics experiments, and establish transformation protocols in Draparnaldia. You will also have an active role in the interpretation and reporting of the results in close collaboration with our bioinformatic collaborators.

Our laboratory is a part of the prestigious ERA Chair project within the Horizon Europe programme. We are located at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology at the Biology Centre CAS based in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. Biology Centre CAS ranks among the largest scientific institutions engaged in environmentally oriented research in Europe. Ceske Budejovice is a university city and it has been evaluated as one of the best places to live in the Czech Republic.

As a member of our research group, your primary responsibilities will include planning and conducting experiments; data analysis; close collaboration and communication with team members and collaborators such as Jiri Friml (ISTA, Austria). You will also have the opportunity to publish your research in high impact international journals and present it at international conferences. 

If you are interested in curiosity driven research that combines multidisciplinary approach and collaborations with world leading experts in the field, please contact us at lenka.caisova@umbr.cas.cz.



Molecular biology, genetics

Competitive candidates:

  • should have a broad knowledge in the field of plant molecular biology/genetics
  • experience with cloning strategies
  • have enthusiasm for science; creativity, critical thinking, strong commitment
  • enjoy working in a team (willing to help and get help from others)
  • should be fluent in English (oral and written)

We offer:

  • PhD study, possible start in February 2025, usually lasting 3-4 years until the final defence
  • financial support by a PhD fellowship & part-time employment
  • exciting projects about evolution of multicellularity in algae
  • support for career development and mentoring
  • English speaking, stimulating, and friendly environment
  • administrative support with relocation & settlement in the Czech Republic


  • 1 extra week of holiday, i.e. 5 weeks of paid holiday per year in total
  • subsidized lunches in our own canteen
  • benefits from Social fund, support of leisure time activities
  • working in a stable, prestigious research institution of international importance
  • welcome service and further support for foreigners (HR Award)
  • free language classes – Czech for foreigners, English for Czechs
  • concessionary mobile tariff at the contractual operator
  • concessionary banking services at the contractual bank
  • access to accommodation in dormitories at the campus shared by the BC and the USB

Doplňující informace:

The Biology Centre is located in České Budějovice (2 hours south of the capital Prague), a middle-sized city with ca. 100K inhabitants, relaxed atmosphere, over 750 years of tradition and a breathtaking countryside around. Both the town and the surrounding countryside provide numerous opportunities for research and leisure activities. There is also a growing international expert community at the Biology Centre CAS (BC CAS) and the University of South Bohemia (USB). In addition, the living costs are still low by international standards. Check out our Guide for Expats (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/employees) to read about life in the city and the Czech Republic.

The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences holds the HR Award. Our selection process meets European standards for recruitment of researchers (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/employees/candidates/otm-r/) and we provide our employees from abroad with welcome service (visa application, administration, relocation & settlement support). Gender equality plan (https://www.bc.cas.cz/en/about-us/gender-equality) has been accepted in 2022.

Jak se přihlásit:

Please submit your:

  • motivation letter (max 2 pages)
  • structured CV including contacts of two referees (max 4 pages)
  • Master's degree diploma

via the REPLY button below by 15 November 2024 23:59 CET. All documents in the application should be in English. Interviews with selected applicants will be held after the application deadline. Informal inquiries can be directed via email to lenka.caisova@umbr.cas.cz.